
As you may have guessed, a huge passion of mine is mental health. This is because I journeyed through my own challenges during my teen years. AND I wish that something holistic and deep-diving could have been available to me back then.

It’s been a journey, but I’m doing so so so much better than I was then!! And I want to see other women experience the same (and within a shorter timeframe than what I did!). That’s where RESTORE comes in…

RESTORE is a vision that I’ve had for a long time... I wanted to create a space where we could really get some healing going…

Together we can

RESTORE is for you if

  • You are a woman over 18

  • You have been diagnosed with depression/anxiety

  • You want to reduce your dependence on antidepressants/mood stabilisers

  • You are already working with your doctor, psychologist, or counselor

  • You are struggling with a low mood despite medications

  • You are frustrated with the side effects of the your medications

  • Your GUT INSTINCT says there’s more to this

  • You want to get to the root cause(s)

  • You are tired and have low energy

  • You are ready to invest in yourself


Get in touch! We’ll arrange a video call to walk through the program and we can decide together if this is for you.

We will make the calls on a first come, first serve basis as I currently only have VERY LIMITED SPACE for RESTORE.

I only work with a handful of clients in this space. This ensures that they receive the in-depth support they deserve to transform their mental health story. Especially if we are reducing dependence on their medications.

So if you’re ready to transform your mental health story, fill this form in (like right now) so you don’t miss your chance!!

Looking forward to hearing from you!